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A note from Dennis Rivers

Dennis RiversAs the author of The Seven Challenges Workbook and the editor/librarian of this web site, I gratefully accept personal gifts of any amount in support of my public service work. I have placed The Seven Challenges Workbook into the Creative Commons, so you are welcome to make as many copies of it as you like, and use it in any organization or community.  And you are also welcome to incorporate as much or as little of the content of The Seven Challenges Workbook as you may need in the production of your own communication skills training materials.

In order to keep my accounting, legal and insurance costs to an absolute minimum, this web site is operated as a break-even small business rather than as a nonprofit corporation. Therefore, any gifts to me are greatly appreciated but they are not tax deductible. Special thanks to the Estates of Hector and Winnifred Tate, for support over many years.